L’erba del vicino: La presidenza spagnola fa di tutta l’erba un fascio

Quese sono le domande poste dalla presidenza spagnola agli stati membri.
Vengono messi sullo stesso piano pedopornografia, incitamento all’odio razziale e violazione del copyright !!!
Meno male che c’e’ il resto della Commissione e soprattutto il Parlamento…

Spanish Presidency leading Europe towards Digital Inquisition? | La Quadrature du Net.

1. How do you combat child pornography, the infringement of intellectual property rights, and racist and xenophobic content on the Internet in your country? Are you able to block access to websites with this type of content in your country?

2. What do you think should be done to combat this type of activity at European Union level?

3. How can we combat this type of content from servers broadcasting from States outside the European Union?

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