Briefing: China’s Didi To Let Users Access Other Ride-Sharing Services

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China’s Didi To Let Users Access Other Ride-Sharing Services

By Yunan Zhang



Source: The Information

China’s Didi Chuxing said its mobile app will start allowing users to access ride-sharing services run by Chinese automakers, in addition to Didi’s own services. The move is part of Didi’s efforts to secure a larger number of qualified drivers for riders who use Didi’s app. After two Didi passengers were murdered by drivers in separate incidents last year, Beijing started enforcing strict rules on the qualifications of drivers and cars. Those restrictions have limited the number of drivers Didi can use. Didi’s app isn’t the only option for Chinese consumers. On-demand services giant Meituan Dianping runs its own ride-sharing service. Alibaba’s mapping app, AutoNavi, operates a platform that allows users to hail rides from multiple ride-sharing services including Didi. Still, Didi, which handles about 22 million trips per day, remains the biggest player by far.

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