Ignore China’s New Data Privacy Law at Your Peril | WIRED UK

Il grassetto è mio.

La Cina e’ entrato in vigore il primo novembre, in Italia impariamo in fretta.. (la norma descritta nel link entrera’ in vigore tra poco).

Dovremmo interrogarci seriamente su quale sia l’assetto di governance dell’informatica pubblica, del potere informatico, compatibile con uno Stato Democratico.

L’art. 5 della Costituzione, che in teoria deve essere rispettato con lealta’, a volte mi sembra inesistente.

Source : Wired

On November 1, the country’s first comprehensive data privacy law came into effect and boosted the protections given to hundreds of millions of consumers. The law will reshape how companies in China do business, but will also send huge ripples around the world.The new rules come in the form of the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), which places greater restrictions on what companies and individuals handling people’s personal information can do with that data.

China’s personal privacy law mirrors certain aspects of Europe’s all-encompassing General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For individuals, PIPL copies much of the same language as GDPR, Lee says. Both PILP and GDPR let people access information that’s held about them, ask for it to be corrected and deleted, and withdraw their consent for their information to be handled by a company. In some cases the laws are so similar the language is almost the same.“The Chinese government is the greater threat to individual privacy and I don’t know that they will be affected by this.”Omer Tene, GoodwinFor companies, there’s the requirement to protect people’s personal information. Companies operating in China now must employ a data protection officer, a move that has sent demand for such roles through the roof. Also cribbed from GDPR is the potential for huge fines: If a company breaches PIPL it can be hit with fines up to 50 million yuan ($7.8 million) or 5 percent of its annual revenue—roughly equivalent to GDPR’s $23 million and 4 percent thresholds.

The unavoidable flaw in China’s personal data law is that it doesn’t stop the state itself from being able to access its citizens’ personal information. People living in China will still be some of the most surveilled and censored on the planet. “The Chinese government is the greater threat to individual privacy, and I don’t know that they will be affected by this,” says Omer Tene, a partner specializing in data, privacy, and cybersecurity at law firm Goodwin.

Source: Ignore China’s New Data Privacy Law at Your Peril | WIRED UK

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