Google partecipa a un consorzio per un cavo sottomarino tra USA e Giappone

Link: Official Google Blog: About the Unity bandwidth consortium.

One of the biggest challenges we face is staying ahead of our broadband capacity needs, especially across Asia.

One of the ways we are addressing this is by working with five other international companies to create a consortium. Collectively we just signed an agreement to build a new high-bandwidth subsea cable system linking the U.S. and Japan (more detail in the press release). This cable system, named Unity, will address increasing broadband demand by providing more capacity to sustain the unprecedented growth in data and Internet traffic between Asia and the U.S.

…If you’re wondering whether we’re going into the undersea cable business, the answer is no. We’re not competing with telecom providers, but the volume of data we need to move around the world has grown to the point where in some cases we’ve exceeded the ability traditional players can offer.

Non gli bastava affittare una fibra ? Hanno paura di ritorsioni a parte dei Telco ? non capisco. Forse hanno semplicemente troppi soldi.   

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