Ofcom per la trasparenza del broadband

mi segnala Stefano:


Steps that fixed-line ISPs are required to take under the voluntary Code

providing customers at the point of sale with an accurate estimate of the
maximum speed that the line can support, whether it is in the shop, over
the internet or on the phone ….

Ofcom will monitor compliance, including through mystery shopping
exercises, to determine if ISPs are meeting both the letter and spirit of
the Code. If Ofcom finds that this voluntary approach is not effective in
addressing the issues covered by the Code, it will consider introducing
formal regulations.

Da noi gia’ vari operatori pubblicano delle informazioni di trasparenza,
come spiego ed elenco qui: http://blog.quintarelli.it/blog/circa-la-deep-packet-insp.html

questo e’ un passo avanti, difficile da certificare per gli operatori, ma
con un po’ di affermazioni cautelative, certamente utile.

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