Imperialismo dell’informazione

Risposta dalla Cina a Hillary Clinton: il modello di Internet attuale e' "imperialismo dell'informazione", teso ad imporre modelli e aziende USA._

"La spinta alla campagna per la liberta' di parola promossa dall'occidente è determinata da una strategia politica e diplomatica aggressiva, piu' che da un desiderio di valori morali"

Global Times – The real stake in "free flow of information".

The US campaign for uncensored and free flow of information on an unrestricted Internet is a disguised attempt to impose its values on other cultures in the name of democracy.

The hard fact that Clinton has failed to highlight in her speech is that bulk of the information flowing from the US and other Western countries is loaded with aggressive rhetoric against those countries that do not follow their lead.

…Keeping that in mind, it must be realized that when it comes to
information content, quantity, direction and flow, there is absolutely
no equality and fairness.

The online freedom of unrestricted access is, thus, only one-way
traffic, contrary to the spirit of democracy and calculated to
strengthen a monopoly.

…This practice is morally unworthy and has been resisted by intellectuals in developing countries.

…It is not because the people of China do not want free flow of
information or unlimited access to Internet, as in the West. It is just
because they recognize the situation that their country is forced to

…Western countries have long indoctrinated non-Western nations on the
issue of freedom of speech. It is an aggressive political and
diplomatic strategy, rather than a desire for moral values, that has
led them to do so.

…China's real stake in the "free flow of information" is evident in its refusal to be victimized by information imperialism.

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