L’erba del vicino: La casa bianca pubblica il piano strategico sull’enforcement della proprietà intellettuale

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U.S. Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator.

pare vadano verso il “tre botte e via” con sanzioni esemplari:

Specifically, the Administration encourages actions by the private sector to effectivelyaddress repeated acts of infringement, while preserving the norms of legitimate competition, free speech, fair process and the privacy of users. While the Administration encourages cooperative efforts within the business community to reduce Internet piracy, the Administration will pursue additional solutions to the problems associated with Internet piracy, including vigorously investigating and prosecuting criminal activity, where warranted.

e anche..

Protecting American intellectual property abroad is a DOS priority and DOS works closely with other U.S. government agencies, the private sector and foreign governments to combat piracy and counterfeiting…
USTR is supporting and implementing President Obama’s commitment to aggressively protect American intellectual property internationally….
The IPE team works with officers at DOS’ overseas posts and regional bureaus to ensure that the interests of American rightholders are represented overseas, and to highlight the integral role of intellectual property rights protection in the development of the global economy. IPE works with other U.S. Government agencies in international organizations and bilateral negotiations dedicated to intellectual property enforcement, including the WIPO and the WTO/Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Council.

E la dichiarazione del Presidente Obama sui negoziati ACTA:

…“That’s why USTR is using the full arsenal of tools available to crack down on practices that blatantly harm our businesses, and that includes negotiating proper protections and enforcing our existing agreements, and moving forward on new agreements, including the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.”

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3 thoughts on “L’erba del vicino: La casa bianca pubblica il piano strategico sull’enforcement della proprietà intellettuale”

  1. Non penso sia una questione di proprieta’ intellettuale, quando di *immagine*.
    Coca Cola, evidentemente, non vuole legarsi cosi’ ad una figura religiosa che riguarda soltanto una religione. Insomma… mi sembra abbia paura di bruciarsi altri mercati dove, pure, e’ considerata una bibita imperialista…

  2. Hai capito!
    E meno male che questo presidente era net-friendly e voleva limitare l’ingerenza delle lobby nella formazione di leggi! Quello del cambiamento!!
    Mah. Godiamoci quel poco di rete ancora libera che resta… finché durerà.

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