Google vieta agli abbonati di Google Fiber (Kansas City) di collegare server (e viola la net neutrality)

si criticano gli altri, poi, quando tocca a te..

Now That It's in the Broadband Game, Google Flip-Flops on Network Neutrality | Threat Level |

In a dramatic about-face on a key internet issue yesterday, Google told the FCC that the network neutrality rules Google once championed don’t give citizens the right to run servers on their home broadband connections, and that the Google Fiber network is perfectly within its rights to prohibit customers from attaching the legal devices of their choice to its network.
At issue is Google Fiber’s Terms of Service, which contains a broad prohibition against customers attaching “servers” to its ultrafast 1 Gbps network in Kansas City.

quindi, ad esempio, sarebbero proibiti sistemi di telegestione di riscaldamento, videocamere di sicurezza, ecc.

è una violazione palese della Net Neutrality rule

Moreover, the net neutrality rules (.pdf)regarding
devices are plain and simple: ”Fixed broadband providers may not block
lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.”


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1 thought on “Google vieta agli abbonati di Google Fiber (Kansas City) di collegare server (e viola la net neutrality)”

  1. Sempre la solita storia da oltre 10 anni a questa parte con le linee Internet.
    Libero all’inizio firewallava le connessioni in ingresso sulle porte <1024; un sacco di provider facevano/fanno bandwidth throttling; OFCOM in UK ha sanzionato provider che le sparavano grosse sulla banda; FastWeb ti faceva pagare (a caro prezzo) un tanto a porta per il forwarding…
    Tutti a venderti linee superveloci purché tu non le utilizzi. Bah.

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