Briefing: Apple Says Spotify Exaggerated Claims in Antitrust Complaint


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Apple Says Spotify Exaggerated Claims in Antitrust Complaint

By Aaron Tilley



Source: The Verge

Apple says Spotify exaggerated how much it had to pay Apple when subscribers used the Apple App Store to sign up for the music streaming service. According to Apple’s official response to an antitrust complaint filed by Spotify in March, Apple takes a 15% cut of Spotify’s subscription fees (not 30% as Spotify said) and accounts for only 0.5% of Spotify’s total paying subscribers.That may be, but as the Verge points out, those numbers are mostly irrelevant. Spotify gave up on letting customers sign up for its paid service through Apple’s App Store years ago, only offering the method between 2014 and 2016. Given this limited time period, and Spotify’s growth since then, the subscriber figures have obviously shrunk. And, the 30% App Store tax is also decreased to 15% after the first year of a user’s subscription. There’s also much more to Spotify’s complaint than taking issue with the App Store tax—Spotify said Apple hurts competition by limiting its ability to communicate with customers and blocking upgrades to its iOS app.

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