Facial recognition technology faces crackdown in China

Questo e’ rilevante.

Mentre da noi si alzano strali contro la privacy, come accade periodicamente salvo poi scemare, in Cina si inizia a scoprirne il valore (in Cina!)

P.S. “non si può per privacy” è un mantra spesso abusato, per eludere responsabilita’ o per comprimere diritti. Basta fare le cose nel modo giusto e nella quasi totalita’ dei casi d’uso non ci sono _reali_ problemi.
Storia nella storia: martedi’ mattina a Roma un ragazzo – forse turista ? – fotografava edifici sulla pubblica via. E’ uscita da un ufficio Enel una guardia armata che gli ha intimato di cancellare le foto “per privacy”. Passavo a piedi in quel momento, ho preso le difese del ragazzo… “non si può per privacy” è come il beige, sta su tutto.

Source : Washington post

China built the world’s largest facial recognition system. Now, it’s getting camera-shy.

Guo Bing, a law professor in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, liked the zoo enough to purchase an annual pass. But he didn’t like it nearly enough to let the zoo take a high-resolution scan of his face.

In what judges called the first case of its kind in China, Guo sued the zoo — and won. He argued there was no legal basis for the Hangzhou Safari Park to collect visitors’ biometric data, and that it had not taken precautions to protect the information. In April, a Chinese appeals court ruled in favor of Guo, ordering the zoo to refund him and delete his face scan and fingerprints.

Now, China is putting its freewheeling facial recognition industry on notice. Citing Guo’s case, China’s top court announced this week that consumers’ privacy must be protected from unwarranted face tracking.

“The public is increasingly worried about the abuse of facial recognition technology,” Yang Wanming, vice president of the Supreme People’s Court, said in a news conference on Wednesday. “The calls for strengthening protection of facial information are increasing.”

The court called its edict a joint stance with Beijing’s top government bodies, including the Politburo, Ministry of Public Security, tech ministry and market regulators.

Continua qui Facial recognition technology faces crackdown in China – The Washington Post.

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