Google Workspace Updates: New notifications when Drive content violates abuse program policies

.. e un giorno ti accorgi che il tuo file non è tuo..

Source: Google Blog

New notifications when Drive content violates abuse program policiesTuesday, December 14, 2021Quick launch summary When a Google Drive file is identified as violating Google’s Terms of Service or program policies, it may be restricted. When it’s restricted, you may see a flag next to the filename, you won’t be able to share it, and your file will no longer be publicly accessible, even to people who have the link. Now, the owner of the item in Google Drive will receive an email notifying them of the action taken, and alerting them of how to request a review of the restriction if they think it is a mistake. For items in shared drives, the shared drive manager will receive the notificationThis will help ensure owners of Google Drive items are fully informed about the status of their content, while also helping to ensure that users are protected from abusive content.

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1 thought on “Google Workspace Updates: New notifications when Drive content violates abuse program policies”

  1. Questa potrebbe essere la motivazione definitiva per darmi una mossa e creare il Cloud personale (di famiglia) che sto rimandando da mesi!

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