Biden warned of the “harms of social media” on childrens’ mental health in his State of the Union address – Vox

Ben fatto. Ma oltre alla raccolta di pubblicità bisognerebbe limitare anche il sistema di raccomandazione, IMHO.

Io uso Twitter (ed ho abbandonato Zuckerlandia) perchè è l’unico che consente di scegliersi le fonti e ricevere i loro twit in ordine temporale (non è il default, ma una funzione selezionabile (stelline in alto))

Source: Vox

In his speech, Biden promised to “hold social media platforms accountable for the national experiment they’re conducting on our children for profit.”

To make his point, he referred to a special guest in the audience, former Facebook employee Frances Haugen, who shared internal company documents with the press and Congress last fall that showed Facebook had publicly downplayed its own research that found a connection between its products and mental health issues in some teenagers.

One of the downplayed studies found that Instagram made body image issues worse in one out of three teenage girls.

“It’s time to strengthen privacy protections, ban targeted advertising to children, demand tech companies stop collecting personal data on our children,” Biden said.The president’s mentions of social media show how regulating the tech industry is a real priority for his administration, at a time when nearly 70 percent of Americans think tech companies hold too much power, and 56 percent believe more government regulation is needed.

Continua qui: Biden warned of the “harms of social media” on childrens’ mental health in his State of the Union address – Vox

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