Musk oversaw staged Tesla self-driving video, emails show

“Chiunque, con artifizi o raggiri, inducendo taluno in errore, procura a sè o ad altri un ingiusto profitto con altrui danno, è punito con la reclusione da sei mesi a tre anni e con la multa da 51 euro a 1.032 euro.”

art. 640 c.p.

Si noti che secondo Ars technica, ingannare investitore o clienti è un reato penale. Mentre invece nulla dice sul fatto di aver fatto fare ai clienti inconsapevoli da cavie di un oggetto che ha causato la morte di molti di essi e sul fatto di avere messo in giro per le strade degli oggetti che hanno ucciso gente che non c’entrava nulla.

Source: Ars technica

If there was any doubt that Tesla CEO Elon Musk knew the company’s much-watched 2016 self-driving demo was staged, emails obtained by Bloomberg should lay that to rest. “Just want to be absolutely clear that everyone’s top priority is achieving an amazing Autopilot demo drive,” Musk wrote in an email. “Since this is a demo, it is fine to hardcode some of it, since we will backfill with production code later in an OTA update.”Musk saw little wrong with this strategy, saying, “I will be telling the world that this is what the car *will* be able to do, not that it can do this upon receipt,” he wrote. But instead of making this clear, the video, released to the world via Musk’s Twitter account, opens instead with white text on a black background telling the viewer that “the person in the driver’s seat is only there for legal reasons. He is not doing anything. The car is driving itself.”

Musk took to Twitter on the day of the video’s release to tell his followers that the car could read parking signs, and it knew not to park in a disabled spot. He also claimed that someone could use the “Summon” function on a car parked on the other side of the country.But Summon was only released to Tesla drivers three years later. And the result was rather underwhelming, as the system struggled with navigating low-speed parking lots in a way that makes the suggestion that the system could drive 3,000 miles on public roads unaided rather ludicrous.

As we now know from Tesla’s head of Autopilot software, Ashok Elluswamy, the parking demo actually saw the Model X SUV crash into a fence. A 2021 New York Times article—now mostly confirmed by Elluswamy’s testimony in a lawsuit into the death of Walter Huang—also alleged that the car drove over a curb and through some bushes before finding the fence.

This is not the first time Tesla has shown difficulty in working with facts. In 2019, we discovered that the company’s repeated claims that Autopilot reduced crashes by 40 percent were bogus, and in fact, the system may have increased crashes by 59 percent.That same year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had to tell Tesla it was misleading customers by claiming that NHTSA had labeled the Tesla Model 3 the safest car it had ever tested.

Criminal charges are a possibility, too. Intentionally deceiving one’s investors or customers remains a crime in the United States, and federal prosecutors have been looking into whether Tesla’s and Musk’s claims about its driver assistance systems meet that bar…

Continua qui: Musk oversaw staged Tesla self-driving video, emails show | Ars Technica

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