Where the value is, revolution after revolution

some toughts with a friend… Work used to value people for their muscles. Most of the value came from physical manipulation activities. Then came the industrial revolution, with machinery reducing the predominance of the muscular effort. And we used to value people for their brains. Most of the value came from their symbol manipulation activities. Then came the digital revolution, with AI, Big Data and the Internet reducing the predominance of the brain effort. Ad we will value people for their hearts. Most of the value will come from human relational activities. We trained muscles for physical manipulations We trained…

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Google sanctioned in Italy for promoting illegal advertising

This may be one of the first examples of a changing game: Google was sanctioned because of its intermediation activity and as such, it was sanctioned where the customer of the promoted services is located. Although the entity of the sanction is not disclosed and is likely to be rather small, it seems quite likely that they will appeal to the 2nd degree court. In Italy, wrt to the national regulation authority AGCOM, the appeal level is called TAR (Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale) and – if I’m not wrong – they have 60 days to file the appeal. It seems to…

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Notizia vera e confermata sulla cosidetta “pandemia”

UPDATE: come qualcuno mi ha scritto nei commenti, effettivamente sovrastimavo i miei lettori (o meglio la percentuale di loro che fa skimming (legge il testo superficialmente) e non legge fino in fondo per capire che era un post sarcastico… La situazione è veramente drammatica se una persona su 5 in Italia pensa che il virus sia fatto da Google ed Apple! A costoro segnalo che non è nè iCovid nè Covid! —— come sapete sono stato in parlamento nella scorsa legislatura eletto con la lista di Monti (che ho subito abbandonato). adesso ho una notizia certa, da fonte affidabilissima e…

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Apple and Google’s support of Contact Tracing apps is a paradigm shift for State surveillance

TL;DR I’m not arguing against contact tracing apps; I’m critical of Apple and Google’s approach. In the past months our Iphones and Androids received operating systems updates, a joint effort by the two companies to help in the fight against COVID-19. The updates introduced new operating system functions for applications (APIs Application Programming Interfaces) to enable Contact Tracing apps developed by national health authorities. Without this update, Tracing Apps can’t work properly, mainly due to bluetooth power management by iphones. When an iphone’s screen is off, it detects bluetooth beacons but does not emit them. It’s mute but not deaf.…

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It ain’t no horse (aka: meaning is in the eyes of the beholder – on AI and meaning)

Source (Consciousness -> Meaning -> Symbols) -> Communication ->(Symbols -> Meaning -> Consciousness) Receiver When a person communicates with another the process may be described as above:The receiver interprets the symbols she received, extracting a meaning that she internalizes with her consciousness. The source was conscious and had the intention of communicating and a meaning of what she  wanted to communicate; she codified the meaning in symbols that have been communicated. In this act of communication both source and receiving parties need to have some shared model to base the encoding and interpretation of the meaning; a shared context and…

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Investigation of Competition in Digital Markets report released (and a personal story never told)

The important report is here. It’s a very important and interesting reading. A mini-synthesis of the findings in the 400 pages long report can be found in this twitter thread. As many readers know, I have devoted a significant part of my public life to promote competition in the digital space (“dimensione immateriale”), have proposed comprehensive bills while I was in the parliament and wrote a book “Capitalismo Immateriale” (in english it’d be “Virtual Capitalism”, 5 stars rating in italy and a good number of reprints) explaining in great detail the business models and practices that this report has found…

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What is 5G really useful for ? (and the telephonist’s drama)

5G is fundamental for the economic development of the country. Yes, but why? Because of its lower latency? Because it will allow us to talk to the fridge and to know if the yogurt has expired? To enable the circulation of self-driving cars or to allow remote surgical operations? Let’s try to shed some light, let’s understand – beyond the hype – why the real “killer application” of the new mobile generation, for users, will probably not be any of those advertised so far. 5G, some technical elements Let’s remember that the promise of the distinguishing features of 5G relates…

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Intercettazioni, in vigore la nuova disciplina – Bonafede: investiti 60mln

Post muto. Il Ministero ha allestito 140 sale Centro Intercettazioni Telecomunicazioni (CIT) con rete dedicata e cablaggio e dotazione dedicata di Pc portatili. In ogni sala CIT è stato inoltre installato il server ministeriale e realizzato il software per la gestione dell’archivio digitale multimediale e per l’archivio documentale; 60 milioni di euro sono gli investimenti già spesi per le infrastrutture tecnologiche, per le opere murarie e per gli acquisti necessari; 700 i server e i rack dedicati alle sole intercettazioni; oltre 1100 i PC dedicati e destinati alle sale d’ascolto; circa 3.500 le persone coinvolte nella formazione specifica (personale amministrativo,…

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L’imminente problema dei passaporti di immunità / The imminent issue of immunity passports

English version below. Questi sono dei passaporti sanitari italiani (“fedi di sanità”)  in vigore durante la peste del 1722 (grazie wikipedia, ebay). All’inizio della pandemia avevo letto una intervista ad un famosissimo virologo americano (che non ritrovo) in cui dava per scontato che ad un certo punto avremmo avuto dei braccialetti attestanti la nostra immunità. La Electronic frontier foundation ha scritto un pezzo molto acuminato contro l’idea di passaporti di immunità digitali. In esso mischia considerazioni a base tecnologica con considerazioni a base medica. E’ chiaro che un prerequisito affinchè un simile passaporto abbia un senso è che i test…

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